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Customer Responsibilities

DSR assistance is provided temporarily while Customers prepare themselves and their families for self reliance. 

DSR Customers are Responsible for:

  • Providing accurate and complete information about their present conditions, previous services and other information relating to his or her situation.
  • Cooperating with DSR staff in the determination of their eligibility and the monitoring of their on-going eligibility, including investigations.
  • Completing a DSR Customer Orientation session within thirty (30) business days after approval.
  • Completing a Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE) assessment within thirty (30) business days after approval, unless exempted.
  • Participating in the development of a Personal Responsibility Plan (PRP) which identifies goals and objectives for achieving self-reliance.
  • Submitting Timesheets by the established due date.
  • Participating in authorized work participation activities for at least 24 hours per week (does not apply to Caretakers).
  • Complying with all scheduled appointments, including arriving on time or contacting the DSR staff to reschedule appointments
  • Reporting in a timely manner, any changes in their circumstances which may affect their benefits and their PRP. Changes must be reported within five (5) working days of the change.
  • Submitting a Monthly Change Report each month to report changes, if any, which occurred in the last thirty (30) day which may affect their eligibility.

Personal Responsibility Plan (PRP):

A Personal Responsibility Plan (PRP) is an Adult Customer’s plan on how they and their family will achieve self-reliance. The PRP contains the goals and objectives they established to move themselves and their family toward self-reliance. In addition, it identifies the Customers approved work participation activities.

Customers and their Senior Caseworker must develop the PRP no later than thirty (30) days after the Customer is approved.

A DSR Principal Caseworker or Senior Caseworker will review and update the PRP with the Customer on a regular basis to ensure the Customer progresses toward her/his goals.

Work Participation & Timesheets:

  • Adult members included in a Benefit Group are required to begin participating in approved Work Participation Activities immediately after Personal Responsibility Plan (PRP) is developed. An assigned caseworker will help the Customer to identify appropriate Work Participation Activities based on assessment results and the goals established in the Customer’s PRP.
  • Each adult in the Benefit Group must complete at least twenty-four (24) hours of approved work activities per week each month. Customers are encouraged to complete more than 24 hours each week.  Hours must be reported using a DSR or worksite timesheet and submitted to the DSR by the fifth (5th) day of each month.
  • If an adult Benefit Group member does not meet the required Work Participation hours, the Benefit Group’s monthly assistance payment may be reduced or their case may be closed.  The DSR encourages Customers to work with a DSR Senior Caseworker to identify ways that Customers can comply with required Work Participation hours.
  • Timesheets must only include hours for approved work participation activities which are identified in the Customer PRP.

© 2025 Navajo Nation Department for Self Reliance (DSR)